Fiche cheval tropical sun

R8C4 du

platnarrogin australie1190M14652sky provincial championship heat (1190 metres)9 partantsdépart à 06:30
15wuhan warriorH60p(23)4p7p2paustin galati/101:13
29tropical sunF53p8p3p5p1pjade mc naught/1nez
32semigelH86p(23)8p5p5pnatasha faithfull/11 l 1/4
46imposing brookH64p0p2p5p7pmadi derrick/13/4 l
53my baby blue jeanF62p4p4p4p4pholly watson/11 l 3/4
64danube riverF53p4p(23)0p3pj whiting/1cte enc.
77make your pointH51p7p7p9p2pkristo sardelic/12 l 1/2
88wise wordsF60p9p0p(23)7pc nicoll/1cte tete
1crystal vainH61p3p(23)6p6pzephen johnston-porter/1

R3C6 du

platalbany australie1600M24420pelicans' ladies bracelet (1600 metres)13 partantsdépart à 08:25
Non-partants : 9
15paigey's turnF63p0p(23)2p5pb parnham8.4/101:38
24oddoneoutF72p4p5p3p5pms k yuill9.5/15 l
313let her boogieF50p3p4p4pluke campbell18/11 l
42one point ladyF96p0p(23)6p7pnatasha faithfull41/11/2 l
56star in timeF72p2p(23)1p3pchris parnham2.6/11/4 l
68dazzling daneF75p2p(23)1p9pms l staples9.6/11 l 3/4
71my furyF62p5p(23)0p0pjarrad noske8.2/11/4 l
810tropical sunF53p5p1p6p1pb banovic-edwards24/11/4 l
93hoolahoopsF81p3p6p5p1pjoseph azzopardi6.3/17 l
1011candijayF85p9p6p0pj whiting35/11/4 l
117feels danishF68p5p9p7p1palan kennedy53/114 l
9bring the blingF61p6p0p(23)7ps parnham/1
1212gospel bluesF50p(23)0p3pkeshaw dhurun68/130 l

R3C4 du

platalbany australie1100M14652own the dream grand finale 22 feb handicap (1100 metres)8 partantsdépart à 07:27
14insyde successH4(23)3p1palan kennedy/101:06
27aramatF79p(23)4p4p5pzephen johnston-porter/17 l 1/2
38urban warriorH7(23)0p6p3p5pkristy bennett/11 l
46fries with thatH6(23)7p5p4p1pnatasha faithfull/13/4 l
55tropical sunF51p6p1p(23)5pb banovic-edwards/13/4 l
61red rebelH56p(23)1p3p5pcassey martinan/1tete
73dodge 'emH57p(23)6p8p1prosie mahony/11 l 3/4
82work in progressF59p(23)3p7p6pc nicoll/1encolure
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